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Reminder: HomeHelpMN Applications Open May 17

Justin Schwirtz

Justin Schwirtz, a Southeast Minnesota native, lives in Rochester with his wife, Sarah, and their three children...

Justin Schwirtz, a Southeast Minnesota native, lives in Rochester with his wife, Sarah, and their three children...

May 16 5 minutes read

News from HomeHelpMN 

Reminder: HomeHelpMN Applications Open May 17 

Minnesota Housing sent this bulletin at 05/16/2022 11:15 AM CDT

The HomeHelpMN program will begin accepting applications for assistance on Tuesday, May 17, beginning at 8:00 a.m. The application period will be open through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 17, but homeowners should not wait to apply.

HomeHelpMN provides assistance for homeowners who have fallen behind on their mortgage or other eligible housing-related expenses due to the effects of the pandemic. Eligible homeowners may receive up to $35,000 in assistance for past-due expenses.

Funds for the program are limited, and the need is expected to be high. If applications received during the application period exceed available funding, applicants may be put on a waitlist. Homeowners should submit their applications as soon as possible after the application period begins.

For more information about the program, including who is eligible to apply and what expenses are eligible, visit or call 1-800-388-3226. The Call Center is open Monday – Saturday from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.  The website is available in English, Spanish, Somali, and Hmong. The call center supports these languages and more – when you call you’ll be prompted to select a language. 

English: The program will take applications during a period from May 17 to June 17 at 5 pm CST. Applications will be processed as they are submitted. In the event of high demand for funds, the funds may be fully allocated before the date the application period closes. Homeowners are encouraged to submit their applications early in the application period. A submitted application is not a guarantee of funding availability. 

Spanish: El programa aceptará solicitudes durante el periodo del 17 de mayo al 17 de junio a las 5 pm HCE. Las solicitudes se procesarán a medida que se presenten. En caso de que haya una gran demanda de fondos, es posible que éstos se distribuyan en su totalidad antes de la fecha de cierre del periodo de solicitud. Se recomienda a los propietarios de viviendas que presenten sus solicitudes a principios del periodo de solicitud. La entrega de una solicitud no garantiza la disponibilidad de fondos.

Hmong: Txoj kev pab no yuav txais cov ntawv thov thaum lub May 17 mus txog rau lub June 17 thaum 5pm CST. Yuav khiav cov ntawv thov raws li lawv xa tuaj. Yog tias muaj neeg coob tuaj thov nyiaj, tej zaum cov nyiaj twb muaj faib rau lawv tag ua ntej lub sij hawm tag kas nuv. Xav kom cov tswv tsev xa cov ntawv thov tuaj kom ntxov. Kev xa ntawv thov tsis lav hais tias yuav muaj nyiaj. 

Somali: Barnaamijku wuxuu qaban doonaa arjiyada inta lagu jiro Maajo 17 ilaa June 17 saacada 5 pm CST. Arjiyada waxaa la howlgelinayaa hadba marka la soo gudbiyo. Haddii ay dhacdo in baahida lacageed ay badantahay, waxaa laga yaabaa in lacagta si buuxda loo qoondeeyo kahor inta aan la gaarin taariikhda arjigu xirmayo. Milkiilayaasha guryaha waxaa lagu dhiirigelinayaa inay soo gudbiyaan arjiyadooda horraanta muddada codsiga. Arjiga oo la soo gudbiyay ma dammaanad qaadayso in la heli karo maalgelinta. 

Get Ready to Apply

There are several resources now available to help you prepare: 

  1. The HomeHelpMN website is now available. Visit the website at to learn more about what materials you’ll need to apply, what expenses are covered, and who is eligible to apply.
  2. The HomeHelpMN Call Center is now open. If you have questions about applying or would like information about housing counseling or legal services, you can call 1-800-388-3226 or 651-204-1608 to speak to an agent. The call center is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday – Saturday. 
  3. You can view the replay of the Introduction to HomeHelpMNwebinar that was held on April 20. The webinar includes an overview of the program and answers to many of the questions that were submitted by participants. 

For more information: 

Visit the HomeHelpMN web page for additional program information and eNews archives. 

For more information

For more information about the program, including who is eligible to apply and what expenses are eligible, visit or call 1-800-388-3226. The Call Center is open Monday – Saturday from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

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